Power Pages: conditional display, site markers, and Liquid filters

Using Liquid in Power Pages allows you to create code to conditionally display both static and dynamic content based on certain conditions. A very simple example of this would be this piece of Liquid code that you can place in the source of a web page, web template, or a content snippet: The above code… Continue reading Power Pages: conditional display, site markers, and Liquid filters

Power Pages: convert standard to enhanced data model

The enhanced data model has now been GA for a while and I know for all my new projects, we are using by default the enhanced data model. However, there are many “legacy” portals still using the standard data. Microsoft has recently (finally) released a tool to migrate the website metadata from a standard to… Continue reading Power Pages: convert standard to enhanced data model

Date and time columns in Dataverse

Creating date and time columns (aka fields) in Microsoft Dataverse is a really straightforward process, however, you really should take a pause to make sure you are configuring the right *type* of date and time column. Check out the companion video for this post, where not only will you learn about date and time columns,… Continue reading Date and time columns in Dataverse

Online payments in Power Pages

One of the features of Adxstudio portals long before it evolved into Power Pages is that it had an out of the box payment gateway integration with Authorize.net and PayPal. This provided a way to configure a webform (the grandfather of multistep forms) to allow users to pay for goods and services. It required the… Continue reading Online payments in Power Pages

Connecting Microsoft Outlook to model-driven Power Apps

One of the great and long standing features of Dynamics 365 Customer Engagement (aka CRM) is the integration with Microsoft Outlook. Using the Dynamics 365 App for Outlook you can synchronize contacts, link meetings and appointments and track emails against records so they will show up in the timeline. What about Power Apps? Did you… Continue reading Connecting Microsoft Outlook to model-driven Power Apps

DocuSign integration with Power Pages

If you have ever needed to sign a contract, agreement, or any other legal binding document, you may have received the document via email from a service called DocuSign, where you can provide an “e-signature” instead of having the physically go somewhere to provide a “wet signature” on a document. In the TV series “The… Continue reading DocuSign integration with Power Pages

Copilot for Power Pages Pro-developers!

There seems to be a Copilot popping up everywhere in Microsoft products these days. (I am eagerly waiting for the Notepad Copilot!) The latest Copilot to make an appearance now surfaces in Visual Studio Code (desktop) while editing and configuring a Power Pages website. Writing code for Power Pages has sometimes proven to be a… Continue reading Copilot for Power Pages Pro-developers!

Copresence for Power Pages design studio

Have you ever been working on a website the same time as a colleague and you accidently overwrote or interfered with each other’s work? Rolling out across the tenants is the new copresence feature for the Power Pages design studio. You’ll get a similar experience as you do when working on Microsoft office documents. You… Continue reading Copresence for Power Pages design studio

Build custom HTML forms in Power Pages: Part 2

Last time I showed an example of creating a custom HTML form with the Power Pages WebAPI to create new records in Microsoft Dataverse. This demonstrated a different method of using a fully-customizable HTML form rather than a form component based on a form form a model-driven app. See Build custom HTML forms in Power Pages:… Continue reading Build custom HTML forms in Power Pages: Part 2

European Power Platform Conference 2023 Recap

Overview The European Power Platform Conference was held in Dublin, Ireland from June 20-23, 2023. The conference brought together the Microsoft Power Platform Communities for 3 days of in-person learning, connections, and inspiration. The conference provided a host of professional development opportunities, which included 3 inspirational keynotes, 6 expert full day tutorials and 90+ specialist… Continue reading European Power Platform Conference 2023 Recap