Edit more in Power Pages using Visual Studio Code for the Web

While using Visual Studio Code (desktop) is a powerful way for pro-developers to extend Power Pages websites, sometimes you need to quickly go into a site and edit some code directly without having to launch Visual Studio Code for desktop, use the PAC CLI to download the latest code, make changes, and re-upload. There has to be a quicker way!

Using Visual Studio Code for the web is a light-weight, web based version that can be directly accessed from the Power Pages design studio. Now you can edit more than just web pages!

Check out the official documentation for all the details of these new enhancements here:

Edit code with Visual Studio Code for the Web (preview)

I made a quick video of this new feature and how it works along with a few other tidbits (like conflict resolution!).

Want to learn mode?

Join me on September 22, 2023 as I deliver a full day class on how to Build powerful websites using Power Pages at the Nordic Summit pre-day. Along with the basics, we dive into techniques like the above post to give you the tools to enhance your Power Pages projects.

Register now before all spots are taken! Use BOOST40 for a 40% discount until July 31st!


Nick Doelman is a Senior Content Developer at Microsoft, Power Platform trainer and coach, presenter, Microsoft Certified Trainer, competitive Powerlifter, former Microsoft MVP, and cohost of the Power Platform BOOST! podcast.

Follow Nick on twitterLinkedIN, or Instagram.

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